This technique is about how to free the center of your conscious thinking.
What improves, and what disturbs concentration?
First, let’s have a look under the brain’s hood:
The reason for your low attention span is a big misunderstanding about a core brain function.
The brain focuses on everything at the same time. More precisely: The brain tries to focus simultaneity on many thoughts and cognitive tasks in the present moment.
This does not work. It often leads to a ADHD diagnosis – unless there is no illness at all.
We face trouble concentrating due to high processing speed of the brain.
Out-of-order brains rank food, danger, love, sex, the next meeting, and walking the dog as important at the same time.
Even practicing mindfulness or a short break in between your daily routine won’t stop the brain to concentrate and work on everything that seems to be significant, life-changing, or life-saving.
What you get is a mess of constant stimulation:
Could you forbid the brain to classify tasks? Do you think you could prevent thoughts about general life from arising?
No chance at all.
The good news: it’s a sign of a healthy brain when your mind wanders. That’s right: a sign of a healthy brain
Sounds strange?
It is natural. Find out why …
Let me ask you one question:
Are you interested to be reliable? Do you want to enhance your problem-solving skills?
If so, your brain is lost.
It’s lost in several duties at the same moment.
The so-called multitasking is nonsense.
That’s the reason why you won’t succeed in improving concentration skills by simple cognitive training.
The problem your brain faces is a conflict of objectives and a loyalty conflict.